Porcelain Veneers in Katy, TX

Are you searching for porcelain veneers near you in Katy, TX or in Houston, TX? Porcelain veneers are wafers of porcelain bonded to the surface of your teeth to completely transform their appearance. Nottingham Dental provides some of the best cosmetic dentistry porcelain veneers in Katy, TX. Porcelain veneers cost varies case by case. Come into Nottingham Dental and find out if porcelain veneers are right for you!

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Are you searching for veneers near me? Speak to our dentist today and see if dental veneers are right for you.

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What are Porcelain Veneers?

At Nottingham Dental, we love nothing more than to give our patients a brilliant new smile. There are a lot of different methods by which you can improve your smile. However, many of those methods — like teeth whitening or orthodontics — take time and they only fix one or two aspects of your teeth.

Veneers, often referred to as instant orthodontics, can transform your smile instantly. In fact, this is the smile makeover method favored by most celebrities because of its instant transformation guarantee. Veneers can instantly cover up and transform issues like chipped teeth, crooked teeth, discoloration, and all other cosmetic dental issues.

Veneers are a minimally-invasive yet extremely effective means of completely transforming your smile, including the length and shape of your teeth. They are basically paper-thin porcelain tooth-colored wafers attached to the surface of your teeth. As such, when you smile, people can see the veneers but they look just like your actual natural teeth.

At Nottingham Dental, we listen to your cosmetic concerns carefully and study your teeth so we can curate the perfect set of porcelain veneers for your teeth. Please continue reading for a detailed overview of porcelain veneers near me.

Do you want to transform your smile? Speak to our skilled dentist today about porcelain veneers and the veneers process.

Are Porcelain Veneers in Katy, TX Worth It?

Porcelain veneer price varies depending on the number of veneers our skilled dentist recommends. If you are curious about porcelain dental veneers or the procedure that our dental clinic uses, contact our office today.

Pros of Porcelain Veneers

  • Immediately Whitens Teeth:

    Porcelain veneers instantly whiten your teeth, no matter what the root cause of discoloration may be. Furthermore, with porcelain veneers, your doctor can choose exactly how white your teeth should be so they look good but natural.

  • Cosmetic Improvement:

    Porcelain veneers can fix any and all dental issues like chipped teeth, broken teeth, crooked teeth, and other orthodontic problems. With veneers, you can instantly transform your smile within a few short sessions.

  • Replaces Enamel:

    Over the years, your enamel gradually wears away and becomes extremely thin, thus revealing the underlying dentin layer. When that happens, porcelain veneers can effectively replace the lost enamel.

Cons of Porcelain Veneers

  • Veneers are Expensive:

    Depending on the location, the average cost of getting a single veneer for one tooth can be between $1,000-2,000. This makes a whole set of veneers a high cost procedure. In addition, insurance usually won’t cover veneers.

  • Increased Sensitivity:

    The dentist has to remove some of the existing enamel to make room for your veneers, which can increase your sensitivity to extreme temperatures. With the proper care, you can manage the increased sensitivity and enjoy the benefits of porcelain veneers.

  • Veneers are Irreversible:

    Since the dentist removes some of the tooth enamel, you have to continue wearing the porcelain veneers, making it an irreversible procedure. This will be irrespective of the placement of veneers or type of veneer.

Are you looking for a way to correct stained, crooked, or chipped teeth? Porcelain veneers may be right for you. Book today!

How Much Do Porcelain Veneers Cost in Katy, TX?

The national average cost of a single porcelain dental veneer is $1,313. The dentist might be willing to give you a reduced price for the complete set if you get several veneers.

Porcelain veneers are expensive because they are made from a special type of ceramic material that is very hard and durable. They are used to fix cosmetic issues and cover up minor imperfections on teeth such as chips or cracks.

Because they are made from a different material than natural tooth enamel, they cannot be stained like regular teeth by staining ingredients such as coffee and cigarette smoke.

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Porcelain veneers usually last for 10 years or more with proper precautions, although some patients may need to replace them sooner depending on how they treat them. The longevity of porcelain veneer depends on several factors, such as the patient’s oral hygiene, diet, and lifestyle.

Porcelain is a ceramic glass and thus is susceptible to shattering with excessive pressure. If you engage in “bad habits” or certain risky activities that involve your teeth, such as chewing ice or biting your fingernails, you may put the veneer in danger of breaking.

The key to keep in mind is that porcelain veneers are similar to natural teeth (or “normal teeth”). This means that they are also capable of breaking or being damaged. That said, a night guard is recommended after veneer treatment to protect veneers from breaking, especially for those who grind their teeth at night.

How Many Veneers Do I Need?

Typically it is most aesthetic to do veneers in symmetrical pairs of 2. This means at minimum you should ideally do the 2-4 center teeth. However, for a dramatic smile transformation, it is recommended to do at least 8-10 veneers over your front top teeth. For most people, 8-10 top front teeth veneers should cover all the teeth that show when smiling.

Recovery and What to Expect After Getting Veneers?

Soon after your porcelain veneer procedure, your mouth and gums will likely be sore and uncomfortable. Not to worry – this is completely normal and part of the dental procedure. The reason for the tooth sensitivity has to do with the bonding cement used to place the veneers.

It is normal to experience this as your mouth heals, but you may want to have some pain medication on hand just in case the pain increases.

This discomfort or pain may linger anywhere from a few days to 1.5-2 weeks. We listed a few tips to consider that may help you more quickly adjust to your porcelain veneers.

  • Use a straw when drinking cool or hot liquids (this will also help you avoid any potential stains in the future)
  • Be selective with how much hot and cold food you eat
  • Try to avoid tough or very crunchy foods and snacks

FAQs About Porcelain Veneers

What Does Getting Porcelain Veneers Involve?

The following visits are involved in the porcelain veneers procedure in Katy, TX.

  • Diagnosis: The dentist will examine your teeth and discuss your cosmetic dental goals. They will also take digital 3D scans, photographs, and x-rays of your teeth. These records will be sent to the lab to generate a model of what your teeth will look like after getting veneers.
  • Preparation: The dentist will shave off around 0.5 millimeters of your enamel to make room for the porcelain veneers. After that, the dentist will send digital scans of your teeth to a laboratory to make the dental veneers. You will leave with temporary veneers based off of the model made from the last visit.
  • Bonding: The dentist will make sure the veneers are the right shape and size for your teeth. A special type of cement will be used to bond the dental veneers to the surface of your teeth using a special light. Once the veneers have bonded in place, the dentist will polish them and make final adjustments.

Can the Dentist Adjust a Veneer Once it’s on Your Tooth?

After the veneers are bonded in place over your teeth, the dentist can make small adjustments. For example, they can trim it, polish it, and shape it according to your needs.

How many Veneers do I Need to Hide One Crooked Tooth?

You can hide a single crooked tooth with a single porcelain veneer.

Does Insurance Cover Porcelain Dental Veneers?

Dental insurance doesn’t cover the cost of porcelain veneers because it’s considered a cosmetic procedure by the insurance, and insurance only covers medically necessary procedures.

Do Porcelain Veneers Break Easily?

Porcelain veneers don’t break easily but they can experience damage. Here are some things to know:

    1. Chips – This occurs because the surface of the tooth has become rough due to grinding or clenching. It usually requires no treatment other than polishing.
    2. Cracks – These cracks appear along the edges of the veneer where there was contact with another object. Usually, this problem does not require repair unless it becomes large enough to affect function.
    3. Discoloration – The porcelain veneers themselves will never change color, but if the tooth underneath changes color due to getting a root canal or severe staining, the tooth color may slightly show through the veneer. In this case it is recommended to either bleach the tooth or change the veneer.
    4. Debonding – Sometimes grinding and chewing forces can knock a veneer off. Usually as long as the veneer is not lost or broken, the dentist can simply rebond it.

How to Maintain Porcelain Dental Veneers?

You can take care of your porcelain dental veneers in the following ways:

  • Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Always wear a night guard at night.
  • Don’t bite or chew on hard objects like hard candy, ice, or pencils.
  • Go for all your dental deep cleaning appointments.

These are the steps that you can take to manage a natural appearance for your veneers and manage dental concerns, oral care, and tooth surface.

Can I Get Veneers if I Have Gum Disease?

It is recommended that patients have good dental and periodontal health before they are given a veneer. If a patient has tooth decay or gum disease, the dentist must treat it before they can proceed with getting a veneer. Veneers can be an excellent option for restoring a patient’s smile after it is compromised by decay or a similar condition.

Do Veneers Ruin Your Teeth?

Porcelain veneering luckily does not ruin your natural teeth. The goal of veneers are to improve the appearance of flawed or damaged teeth, and adding the porcelain layer can even strengthen thinned or weakened teeth.

Do you want to learn more about Porcelain Veneers? Ask us!

One of the Best Dentist for Porcelain Veneers in Texas

Are you ready to make your uneven teeth or discolored teeth less noticeable? Do you want to highlight your healthy teeth and project a beautiful smile? Do you live in or around Katy, TX? If so, one of the best dentists for veneers near me is Nottingham Dental.

Our clinic is one of the best cosmetic dentistry clinics in Texas and the entire country. We take state of the art intraoral 3D scans of your teeth and discuss your cosmetic needs in order to craft the perfect set of porcelain veneers to brighten your smile. For more information, please schedule an appointment today.